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Worldwide Ethernet Switch and Router Marketshare 2019

Cisco remains the market leader in Ethernet Switch and Enterprise/Service Provider Router Market segments according to the latest IDC’s Worldwide Quarterly Ethernet Switch and Router Tracker for 4Q19. Read here

Switch Market Highlights

Growth in the Ethernet switch market continues to be driven by high speed switching platforms. 100Gb Ethernet switch revenues grew 24.7% year over year in the quarter and made up 18.3% of the market, down just slightly from 19.6% in the prior quarter. 100GbE shipments reached 5.8 million ports and $1.4 billion in revenue in 4Q19. 25GbE switch ports continue to see strong growth with port shipments rising 57.1% year over year in the quarter and up 7.4% sequentially. 10GbE port shipments grew 7.0% year over year while revenues decreased 13.0%. 10GbE made up 27.3% of all 2019 Ethernet switching revenues. Meanwhile, 1Gb remains the primary connectivity technology for enterprise campus and branch deployments, driving 1Gb port shipments to 133.6 million in 4Q19, growing 4.1% year over year, and making up 67.8% share of all ports shipped in the quarter and 40.3% of Ethernet switching revenues.

Cisco leads the overall Ethernet switch segment with 50.90% market share.

Router Market Highlights

The worldwide enterprise and service provider router market fell 7.7% year over year in 4Q19 with the larger service provider segment falling 11.7% and the enterprise portion growing 6.2%. For the full year, the combined market grew 0.4% with the service provider segment off 1.5% and the enterprise segment growing 6.9%.

Cisco leads the overall Enterprise and SP router segment with 37.2% market share.  Huawei is at the second place with 29.8% market share.

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