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OSI and TCP/IP Reference Models

UnitLayersDescription Example Protocols
DataApplicationEnd user layer – provides services to the software through which the user requests network services (browsers, FTP clients, and mail clients are in this layer)HTTP, FTP, IRC, SSH,DNS
DataPresentationSyntax Layer – Ensures that data is in a usable format; Translates, encrypts and compresses dataSSL/TLS, SSH, IMAP,FTP,MPEG,JPEG
DataSessionInterhost communications – Establishes, manages and terminates sessions between computers  (controls ports, APIs, Sockets, Winsock) NetBIOS, PPTP
SegmentsTransport End-to-end connections – Provides reliable processes for message and error delivery; Transmits dataTCP, UDP
PacketsNetworkPath determination and IP (logical addressing) – Moves packets from source to destinationIP, ICMP, IPSec, IGMP
FramesData LinkDefines the format of data on the network -concerned with the linkages and mechanisms used to move data about the network, including the topology, such as Ethernet or Token Ring, and deals with the ways in which data is reliably transmitted. (MAC & LLC – physical addressing)Ethernet, PPP, ATM
BitsPhysicalMedia, signal and binary transmission – defines the electrical and physical specifications for the networking media that carry the data bits across a networkEthernet, Bluetooth, USB, IEEE802.11
OSI Layers