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Stabilize a simple reverse shell to a fully interactive terminal

A netcat reverse shell is pretty useless and can be easily broken by simple mistakes. These shells are very unstable by default. Pressing Ctrl + C kills the whole thing. They are non-interactive, and often have strange formatting errors. This is due to netcat “shells” really being processes running inside a terminal, rather than being bonafide terminals … Read more


Zeek (formerly Bro) is an open-source and commercial network monitoring tool (traffic analyser). Zeek is a passive, open-source network traffic analyser. Many operators use Zeek as a network security monitor (NSM) to support suspicious or malicious activity investigations. 

SMB Enumeration and Useful Commands

SMB(Server Message Block) Versions Before diving into the various methods using to collect information from SMB, it is important to understand the iterations SMB went through over the years and why some of them are known to be highly insecure: SMB1 was the first implementation of SMB. It used 16-bit packet and small data buffers, … Read more


Enumeration May be the vulnerability is already fixed/closed in this box. Let’s explore and further enumerate the SMB services: whoami ROOTed!!!!! FTP – Anonymous login