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Stabilize a simple reverse shell to a fully interactive terminal

A netcat reverse shell is pretty useless and can be easily broken by simple mistakes. These shells are very unstable by default. Pressing Ctrl + C kills the whole thing. They are non-interactive, and often have strange formatting errors. This is due to netcat “shells” really being processes running inside a terminal, rather than being bonafide terminals in their own right.

Technique 1: Python

The first technique is applicable only to Linux boxes, as they will nearly always have Python installed by default. This is a three stage process:

  1. The first thing to do is use python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")', which uses Python to spawn a better featured bash shell; note that some targets may need the version of Python specified. If this is the case, replace python with python2 or python3 as required. At this point our shell will look a bit prettier, but we still won’t be able to use tab autocomplete or the arrow keys, and Ctrl + C will still kill the shell.
  2. Step two is: export TERM=xterm — this will give us access to term commands such as clear.
  3. Finally (and most importantly) we will background the shell using Ctrl + Z. Back in our own terminal we use stty raw -echo; fg. This does two things: first, it turns off our own terminal echo (which gives us access to tab autocompletes, the arrow keys, and Ctrl + C to kill processes). It then foregrounds the shell, thus completing the process.