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PenTest: Locating directories using GoBuster

Using a fast directory discovery tool called GoBuster you will locate a directory that you can use to upload a shell to.

To install,

sudo apt-get install gobuster

GoBuster is a tool used to brute-force URIs (directories and files), DNS subdomains and virtual host names. For this machine, we will focus on using it to brute-force directories.

Now lets run GoBuster with a wordlist: gobuster dir -u http://<ip>:3333 -w <word list location>

GoBuster flagDescription
-ePrint the full URLs in your console
-uThe target URL
-wPath to your wordlist
-U and -PUsername and Password for Basic Auth
-p <x>Proxy to use for requests
-c <http cookies>Specify a cookie for simulating your auth